Farewell dinner…

Last night, my panget and I had dinner with his college buds at TOC (Top of the CITI). It's been a long time since I last saw them (I think…


I know people hate people who eavesdrop. I on the otherhand, love to eavesdrop. But before you judge me - I need to clarify first the reason why I eavesdrop.…

my SHU UEMURA loot!!

Yesterday, I received my winnings from being chosen as the 'Letter of the Month' for OK! Magazine. Upon seeing the small bag - I was delighted - because it was…

Prayers and Issues..

People have a lot of issues - and I am one of them. There are days that I feel happy and some days I feel like I'm so worthless. Am…

Dessert First..

Whenever I go and eat buffet, I always check out the desserts being served. There are times that I go through them first before the main courses. I'm partial to…

Galileo Enoteca

Have you heard of this place? Well, it's a deli/restaurant that's well tucked in the streets of Mandaluyong - Calbayog street to be exact. I got lost trying to look…