Yaya Diaries: Diva Drama

Aaaaand the saga continues.... I have said it before, but I will say it again. Can't live with them, can't live without them. I have long wanted to replace this…

Life after a Miscarriage..

First of all, let me THANK ALL OF YOU for reading my entry and for being supportive.  Even if you didn't leave a comment, I assumed that you were also…

#PickYourPinesol & #SavorYourMeTime

#PickYourPinesol - I pick LEMON! Yes, I associate citrusy scents with cleanliness.  I can't explain it but I find that when I smell something citrusy - it's automatically clean smelling.…

Titas, Titos, Aunties, & Uncles

Image grabbed from this site Everyone has them.  In our country, we have an extended family.  So mere friends of our parents, we call them  or refer to them as…

EATs London: Ben’s Cookies

I almost forgot about Ben's Cookies! My friend Tin told me to try them when I happen to see one.  I thought, ano kaya yon?  And while walking along Oxford…