
This how many #Covid19 positive cases are in the Philippines today, August 30, 2021. And it’s quite ironic because today the country is celebrating National Heroes Day.

Our modern day heroes – ALL THE HEALTH WORKERS in the country are burnt out, tired, frustrated and angry.

I am anxious, shocked, angry and powerless.

You see, our current government is handling the pandemic very poorly. Corruption is rampant up the top levels. Imagine, our healthcare workers (one of the most admired in the world) are exhausted and unappreciated by the government. The incumbent Secretary of Health is full of himself – according to him, everything is going well.

22,366 is going well.

I think the current Philippine government is thinking that the higher the positive cases in the country means that they’re winning the war! Or maybe, just maybe – this is a ploy of theirs to get more loans – it’s more money to for corruption! With the coming elections next year (May 2022) funds are needed for their candidates to win. I do hope that people have woken up from their blind beliefs.


Since the lockdown last year, I have but received a meager 5,000 as cash assistance from the government. After that, nothing else came. The current administration has been distributing cash assistance to the less fortunate – to be specific, those who are jobless – tambay in Tagalog, these people are contented not having jobs. Yes, they’re the priority when it comes to the cash assistance. Those more deserving like those who have lost their jobs temporarily and permanently. They deserve more because they were or have been productive to society!

It’s really upsetting, and I am powerless to do anything!

I had to drive out today to pick up something, and I noticed so may establishments closed. Office building looking for tenants, closed restaurants and the like. It’s so sad to be honest – and one of the reasons is the pandemic. But you see, the pandemic CAN BE CONTAINED, if the government just does its job in containing, but oh well – they’re not.

Imagine, a country’s president who goes on a press conference at midnight, at fucking MIDNIGHT! Does he belong to a different time zone? There is NO respect for the people he is working for! And get this, he talks NONSENSE because he is on medication – PLUS his press conferences are TAPED! That means, the video reels can be edited – but the man is still spewing nonsense and attacking people!


We really deserve better.

We need to vote COMPETENT PEOPLE in government.

I have noticed a LOT of politicians changing skin now. They’re snakes because they know that the current ship (the administration) is sinking fast, so they need to jump ship.

This is one of the problems of Philippine politics, there is NO LOYALTY. These politicians are loyal to the incumbent as long as they are in power. And now that incumbent is nearing its end, watch out for more snakes changing skin.



Vote for those who are there to serve and not those who are just trying to make money out of government contracts.


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