I finally RAN!

Actually – I finally jogged!  And walked, and jogged and walked and walked some more.

I have to say, that for the FIRST time ever in my life – I RAN/JOGGED! 

 Image borrowed from THIS site

You do know that I am the most lazy person when it comes to sports and exercise.  I refuse to move a lot and refuse to feel the icky sweat trickling!  The only excercise that I have ever did religiously was Bikram Yoga.  I fell in love with Bikram Yoga because it was a low impact exercise that burned thousands of calories!! 

The thing was – I stopped at 2008, because I was getting very busy planning my wedding.  But once my wedding was done – laziness crept in and here I am, almost two years later – chubbier and the laziest I’ve ever been!!

So what changed my mind?  Well, firstly – running was free, I didn’t need to pay for any gym membership!  Secondly – I can do it by myself!  Thirdly – weight loss was fast!! 🙂

And so I decided – I bought myself a pair for Ryka rubber shoes in ROX.  They were on SALE, and so I called my brother-in-law to ask whether he’s heard of the brand.  He actually said that it was a good brand that specialized in women’s shoes – but it failed to ‘click’ here in Manila, thus the sale – but all in all, he said it was good.  When my brother in law says its good – then it must be!  And at the price of about P1.8K – it was such a steal!! 🙂

I broke them in on my Guangzhou trip – and they were really comfy.  For a person who does not wear closed shoes and rubber shoes often – this I must say, is one of the most comfy shoes, ever!

My good friends KA and DE are runners – they’ve been running for quite sometime already.  It was a good thing that they live near me, and what’s better – they run in UP!  And getting to UP, they can actually pass by for me!  Perfect right??  Yes, just perfect!  They invited to run/jog with them – and I said yes!  I really wanted to try out running you see, but there has been no chance at all!!  Thank goodness for KA and DE!!

And so last night they picked me up at 8pm.  I had to ask KA what I should be wearing and bringing!  She just said ‘Wear comfy clothes, bring water and extra shirt and an iPod!’  Those were things she told me to bring – and the last one, well – I don’t have an iPod, I never did and I think I will never ever will own one, but I have my trusty and reliable Phillips GoGear!! 🙂  And so, I loaded up an audiobook – it was Malcolm Gladwell”s Outliers.

When we got there, I was actually nervous.  I saw the long street and I was honestly intimidated.  I mean – just by looking at the street, man – I was definitely in for something!

But I started to brisk walk, then jogged, then walked slowly, then brisk walked and jogged.  I wanted to run the whole way BUT i felt too tired!  My Panget instructed me that if I get tired, I should walk slowly.  I must not stop because my muscles will feel the pain.  And so I didn’t stop.  So imagine, for about 45 minutes, I was walking and jogging and walking non-stop!!  I walked and jogged two full rounds of the oval!  According to KA one round was 2.2 km – so that means, I did a 4.4km walk!!  Isn’t that FANTASTIC??

That is such an achievement for me!!  I am ecstatic and am in such a wonderful high!!

I can’t wait to do this again!! 🙂


  1. http://projectfit.imomonline.net

    woohoo! Congrats! I hope you fall in love with it like I did. 🙂

  2. imom

    ngek, i typed in the wrong fields in my first comment. Sorry!

  3. Didi

    @imom – first impression was super ok! will jog/walk again tomorrow!! hihi…

    @Brian – thanks, but it was my first time! I plan to keep it up!!

    @Anonymous – Thanks for dropping by, you can search my blog on my Bikram experiences. TY!

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