This year, I knew that I had to renew my children’s passports. It was just a matter of when. When I was able to secure and appointment online – I checked my records – I was surprised that I didn’t have any PSA copy! I usually have a back up – but when I checked, I couldn’t find a copy! All I had were photocopies! This made me panic a bit, I knew though that I didn’t need an original PSA copy of their birth certificates for renewal – but I wanted to keep copies, for those ‘just in case’ moments. I searched the web and found centers where you can get fast BUT, you’ll need to make an appointment and be physically there to request, pay and pick up. I still don’t feel comfortable being in a crowded place waiting for my turn to request, pay and pick up. Good thing, I saw posts on PSA Birth Certificate Online Application that is delivered to your doorstep at the Mommy Bloggers Philippines FB page!

Applying online was very VERY easy. I need to emphasize on the EASY part – because it was a breeze! The interface is very basic, easy to understand, and at the same time easy to navigate. I feel that this was one of the most important things – the ease of use! You have to realize that there are so many people now who need these certificates BUT are not tech savvy, so having an easy to navigate site with a simple interface will greatly help EVERYONE! I can’t believe how convenient it was because you can either choose to use your desktop browsers OR your mobile phone browsers! Talk about major convenience – that is you can request for your PSA certificates (birth, marriage, CENOMAR and death) while on the go!

You can even order birth certificates for your parents and children. The only limitation is that if you are ordering for you husband/wife – they will need to apply for themselves. I think this is because the system needs to see the affinity with the applicant.

PSA Birth Certificate Online Application solves our worries of being out and about to get our official copies. With a fee of P365 per copy – it’s all so worth it! Imagine the price of gas, parking and the hours you will need to drive to and from the centers, it’s SUPER WORTH IT! You can apply anytime of the day, pay at your convenience (they have online payment channels) and wait for it to be delivered to your doorstep. With this convenient process, you get to spend your time with other important things, right? Yey!
When you make an order at PSA Birth Certificate Online Application – you will immediately receive and email with your order details. You will also receive a text message reminding you of your order. You can pay it immediately or choose to use different payment channels. When you choose non-online payment channels, you will receive reminders thru text and emails to make your payments. I like that the system of PSA Online Application sends out reminder texts and emails – because, there’s a tendency that we forget about these things because of our busy schedules.
When you make an immediate payment or after you make the online payment, you will then receive a text message a few days later updating you that your certificates are out of delivery. Just make sure to receive them yourself – they’re quite strict on the receiving part – you’ll personally need to sign for it. But that’s just a small detail that is negligible.

The certificates arrived folded inside a sealed plastic bag. I like that there’s plastic because it eliminates the worry of the certificates becoming wet because of a sudden downpour. The riders themselves won’t have to worry of damaging the documents.

It’s also important to make sure that your PSA birth certificates have the official receipts attached to them. There are a few international embassies that require to see the official receipt, don’t ask me why. Hahaha!! 🙂
I am so glad that ordering PSA birth certificates is such an easy process now. Everyone and ANYONE can literally do it!