Solitaire is a game that I used to pay all the time, using the actual playing cards or on the computer! I remember my uncles teaching me this game to pass the time. In school, we would also bring playing cards and play Solitaire during breaks. It was really fun playing it because it was a game of chance to be able to put all the cards up in 4 piles in all 4 suits.

I used to play this a lot because I couldn’t get all the cards in 4 piles, but when I finally did – it was such an exciting feeling! Hahaha.. I know, it’s a shallow feeling of excitement, but it was still fulfilling that I was able to do it and finish it! This was a game I played with my brother whenever we were on the plane – you see, when we were younger, there was no flight entertainment for short haul flights. We also would ask the flight attendants for playing cards – YES, airlines used to give our free playing cards!
I still remember when we had our first ever computer – it was in black and white. There was one game on the computer – and it was solitaire! I had so many fond memories of playing Solitaire on the computer to pass time. Imagine, during that time – there was no internet then, yet I would spend hours playing it on the computer with a black and white screen! Hahaha..
When I saw I was quite giddy and I started playing Solitaire immediately. I brought back so many memories of how I played the game, from a black and white screen to a colored computer screen! You can imagine how long ago that is! When my children saw me playing it on my laptop, the grew curious. It’s a good thing that has the game’s history/origins! I honestly had no idea on the game’s history so it was so interested to learn in on the site as well! Indeed, the game is a test of patience, and indeed one’s patience will really show while playing the game. Believe me, I have given a LOT of time and started a new game out of frustration, haha!! There’s even a youtube video on how to play the game! I made my children watch it, as they are move visual (to understand the game better)
Another reason why I enjoy the site is because it’s pure game, no ads whatsoever and it’s FREE! Yes, free for everyone to enjoy. You may think I’m odd, but I allow my children to play on the site because I personally feel it’s better playing Solitaire rather than watching nonsense on YT, with the Solitaire game – their minds on constant learning, you use your sensed and most of all, your brain is exercised! So many advantages, right?

There are also other games to choose from. Remember Sodoku? It was the craze then I bought a lot of soduku puzzle books just to (answer) play the game. Soduku is a challenging game to exercise your mind, with the use of numbers. Oh, how much I hated numbers while studying, but I enjoyed playing sodoku – strange, right? My mom would also play sodoku but since she ran out of puzzle books to answer, I suggested she try this site to play and play she did! I encouraged her play on the site because its free, plus sodoku is a good exercise for the brain especially for the older ones.

Another game I played that I enjoyed was the Tennis game. I was learning to play tennis before the lockdown happened last year. I enjoyed it very much, but it was cut short because of the lockdown restrictions. It’s frustrating because I was so keen on learning that sport – thankfully, I get to exercise my fingers while playing Tennis on the site, haha! Now, if I can just translate playing tennis in real life, that would be awesome! Haha…

Another card game I remember learning and playing growing up was Blackjack. As I said, I belong to the age group where the internet existed when I was in my teens. So to pass the time my mom would play Blackjack with us. She would sell the idea to us that this was a very easy game as you only needed to have the sum of cards to be the number 21, and you cannot go over 21. It was fairly easy because you just need to add the numbers to reach 21. this would train us in addition, haha! It was such a simple yet fun game to play as you only needed to add – there’s no special technique – but just pure luck! When I was 20, we had a trip to Las Vegas and there, I was able to play Blackjack in a real casino – I lost and won, but I knew I had to get out while I still had money! Hahaha.. It’s so fun to play Blackjack online – it’s so easy and the game automatically gives the sum of your cards! It’s quite addicting because, you don’t lose any virtual money, if you lose – you just lose a ‘life’ and your money stays intact! Hahaha… It’s quite exhilarating playing knowing that – you won’t lose cash! hihi..
These are just a few games on that I have played repeatedly and enjoyed so much. There are much much more games you can browse and play with! The carry a LOT of different games and you’ll surely like at least one of them.
So try it now and enjoy!!