Data rules our lives. From simply filling up a form for contact tracing to submitting an online application for an official document, we give out information that can be collected, kept, and used.

For sure, there are valid reasons for collecting such data. But sometimes the data can be misused. To help prevent identity theft, loss of funds, besmirching of your reputation, and other troubles of our digital world, here are some steps you can take to help keep your data safe.

The Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) always reminds employees and clients about the importance of securing one’s data.
“When it comes to protecting your data, it helps to know a few tips on how you can keep your personal information safe,” said BPI’s Enterprise Information Security Officer and Data Privacy Officer Jonathan John B. Paz. “We just have to keep ourselves informed because fraudsters get craftier every year, and cybersecurity is always a shared responsibility.”