There was a time long long ago that I used to play games on my computer. Did you ever play ‘Win, Lose or Draw’ on your black and white PC? Hahaha! I’m sure a lot of you don’t know that game. There was not internet during that time – and so we just passed on floppy disks around to be able to play those games.
I belong to the generation that played Tetris on my gameboy. I was so bad at it that I could only reach level 5 and instantly die because the blocks were too fast for me. These games were like a past time for me, something I did to de-stress, only then I didn’t know I was already distressing.
Games are quite therapeutic if you ask me. It somehow keeps your mind exercised and at the same time, it keeps you entertained! I remember reading this article that says playing video games keeps your mind sharp! At my age, I’d like to keep my mind challenged so as to exercise my memory , I read this very convincing article by the National Institute on Aging. I chanced upon and saw they were offering games for FREE! Yes, for FREE – and the best thing is that – you don’t need to download anything! Wonderful, right? So I took a look and I was instantly – hooked! Oh wow, they rhyme! Haha..

While browsing through hundreds of different games – I saw the game Super Tetris. My heart fluttered when I saw it! It has literally been YEARS since I last played it and I was so very excited to be able to play it again! It was an exhilarating feeling to be able to play it again after all these years. I was so giddy with excitement as I saw the tiles come down from the screen! It gave such a nostalgic feeling and at the same time – pride, because I showed Super Tetris to my children and they were amazed that I could play it! Hahaha.. I told them that the game was a significant part of my life growing up. Hahaha!!

I tried guys, but I’m still on Level 5 – but man, was it exciting to be playing it again for FREE at that and on my browser! Hahaha…
Another game I saw was – MINESWEEPER! Oh my gosh, did anyone of you enjoy playing this game? I honestly – did not understand how it’s played. I always ended up losing – but it was really fun to just click on the tiles! Hahaha… I know of someone who enjoyed playing this so much! That person even taught me numerous time on how to play it but I just couldn’t understand the concept – or I wasn’t interested then. Hahaha!! So nostalgic, right? So fun! Hahah..
Here’s another game that I enjoyed so much! The duck shooting game! Hahaha.. This game was challenging at first because I was using the track pad – it was only after a few tries that I learned that I can use two of my hands for things game! My children were beside me the whole time and were telling me to hit all the ducks! I told them that they can have their time playing during the day.

I noticed though that doesn’t have ads! You can play uninterrupted and enjoy your time. I also tried to pause the game and close my laptop assuming that the game will be gone. Lo and behold, when I re-awakened my laptop – I can still continue playing my stopped game! Amazing, right? has over a 100 games and they’re continually adding more! To see the newly added games, you may visit this site –’s newly added games!
If you have time or are bored – why not exercise your mind and play some of the FREE online video games that is offering! It’ll take your mind off stresses and issues, you’ll be entertained too!