Yogurt is something we have on a daily basis. I’m blessed that my children like yogurt because it’s good for them. Most yogurts in the market are quite sweet – and so when I learned that Farmers Union is a Greek yogurt, well – I knew it was a winner!

My kids were so excited to try it when they saw this, they were as giddy as me! Haha!!

The summer heat has been quite a challenge for everyone and our dear friends from GourmetDirectPH sent us goodies to make, yogurt popsicles! I really enjoyed using #FamersUnionYogurtPH while the kids enjoyed having them! The mold was perfect because I have three kids, so one kid each get to enjoy the yogurt pops! Hahaha… There’s more to enjoy for everyone!

As for me and Panget, we have this to enjoy – this LACTOSE FREE Greek Style Yogurt! Yehey for healthy tummies! WE all need a good dose of good probiotics in our bodies to boost our immune system! Do you know that 1 in every 2 Filipinos is actually lactose intolerant? Strange but true!! With Famers Union Lactose Free Greek style yogurt, you can enjoy yogurt without the tummy discomforts!
Use my code DIDI10 to enjoy a 10% off on your yogurt purchases from www.gourmetdirect.ph until May 9, 2021!