So, I’ve been on Instagram ever since I upgraded to an iPhone and that was last 2011, so to count it – that’s 10 years ago. Can you believe it? Hahaha! I have been oversharing for 10 years! Hahaha..
For the past few years, Instagram has been a popular social media platform for people. It has become the most ideal platform for ‘influencers’ around the world. It’s my choice of social media platform – I enjoy posting as much as I enjoy looking at the feeds of those I follow.
I have noticed lately though – to be exact in the last 12 months, that there are accounts that have an amazing number of followers and it’s crazy! Hahaha.. Now, why do I say crazy? Well because with just about 200 posts certain accounts have like 10,000+ followers? Now, how the hell did that happen? Well, if you ask me – it may be because that account has ‘bought’ it’s followers. YES, THERE’S SUCH A THING AS BUYING FOLLOWERS. What a fake right? Yes, so fake! I mean why pretend to have that much followers? Is it to establish to others (especially to brands) that you are a bonafide ‘influencer’? Well, if it’s just a numbers game – then well, you’ve won! But in reality and in all seriousness – I highly DOUBT that, that person can influence 10,000 + people. Oh well, to each his own, I guess.
I have been offered endlessly to grow my account with paying a few hundred bucks – but I have always declined. Why? Simply because I want my content to matter! The things I post on my Instagram account is all me – it represents what I like, what I don’t like, and shows you a reflection of who I am. For the past 10 years, I have only put my face on a few posts, why? Because that’s how I am – I somehow like to be anonymous. The accounts I’ve encountered recently have their faces plastered in most if not all of their posts. I guess, it’s just my preference not to see so much faces (and boobs and panty posts) As a friend said ‘Pakapalan nalang ng mukha, baka may maloko sila eh!’ and I guess that holds true!
But look at this – how can this account amass 10,000+ followers with just 210 posts?

I’m baffled really. BAFFLED!
Blogging is a hobby of mine and I enjoy it very much! But I get upset and defensive when people call themselves a blogger when they don’t even own or maintain a blog! I have maintained my blog since 2005 – yearly, I pay a fee for my domain and hosting. I make an effort to create content that matters. But I guess, I just feel bad that certain PRs and brands get blinded by the number of followers an account has. I really do hope there’s some sort of analytics that can determine if the account is a fake or a real one. Bottomline, as much as I want to grow my account – I refuse to bite the bullet of ‘buying’ followers.
In the end, I guess as long as I’m creating content for myself – then it really doesn’t matter how many followers I have. I created my blog to document things that I like and dislike. I started it without thoughts of monetizing any of my posts nor get invited to events. Those are just the cherry on top of the cake.
So, while I’m still here – I just want to say THANK YOU to all the PRs and brands that have trusted me with their projects and products. I am very grateful that you saw value in the content that I have put out through the years. I look forward to working with you guys again!
Sorry, my post is weird, but I’m just seriously baffled on how that particular account amassed 10,000+ followers. Talent? Strategy? Oh well, JOEL! Hahaha…