Happy Holidays guys!

Hello guys! How has everyone been? Feeling the Christmas season yet? Well, personally – I still feel it’s March 2020!

I’m sorry if I haven’t updated my blog in a while. Life happened. Hahaha!! I used to work full time but because of the lockdown, I am out of work. But I’ve began baking and selling my focaccias – I’m sure you’ve seen my journey, thank you to everyone who supported.

Life is so different now noh? I realized last week when I had a zoom party with fellow mom class reps how I’ve missed the energy the room when we are all together. The virtual party was really fun, and I’m sure if it was a face to face party – it could have been MORE fun. But Covid19 happened, so… we must prioritize safety first.

Looking back to the past months, I must say that we were all gifted with quality time with family. I was telling Panget that Shobe is so lucky to have all of us present this 2020. We have witnessed so many milestones and achievements. I realized too that this is the most time I got to spend with Kailee and Connor – I see them 24/7, they are home – I am home. It’s something I am grateful for to be honest. Even if I scream and get frustrated with them – I am present in their lives and I won’t trade that for anything.

I think overall – this is what matters, that I get to see my children grow up. It’s a 24/7 job being a stay-at-home mom. I never realized it. I used to think that it’s all roses and cherries s being at home – but it’s not! Hahaha.. I prepare breakfast, I prepare Panget’s lunch and then I think of what to prepare for dinner. IT IS A JOB – being at home. I feel like there’s no end to the things that I need to do. I constantly hear ‘Mommy! Mommy!’.

This year made me experience a lot of age-ing stuff. I used to be proud to have perfect eyesight, now – I squint more. I have had low prescription glasses for a year now, and I find myself wearing it more and realizing it is clearer when I wear them. I am still in denial and only wear them at home. Hahaha!

Early this year, I started to feel pain in my elbows. The first to act up was my right elbow – this was because of me learning tennis. I am ashamed to say that I feel the tennis racket is quite heavy – but I pursued because I immensely enjoyed hitting the balls. Right after the lockdown, when I started cooking two times a day, the pain is now on both elbows. There was a day that I couldn’t lift my metal wok using my left arm. It was such an irritating feeling because even as I slept, I didn’t know where to position my arms properly! It is very frustrating! I was told to rest it for a while, and I did – the pain became manageable, but it’s still there.

I unknowingly gained a LOT of weight during the lockdown. I only noticed it when I saw myself in the mirror that I had become more round! I am already round in the first place, but I have become rounder! I subscrbied to the calorie counted meals and was able to lose most of it. I am still yearning to lose more weight, but it’s such a hard process now. I guess being 40 means that it is not as easy as it was 10 years ago.

So many things has happened, I don’t want to label them in a not so good way, but life happens. We don’t always get what we want, all we can do is try our best to do what we can to get most of the situation. Now more than ever, I look at the silver lining. I am thankful that we are all healthy and safe.

Oh, and I celebrated 15 years of this blog last November! It wasn’t much of a celebration generally – but for me personally, it’s a big win! I mean, who would have thought that this blog would still be alive 15 years later. Sa totoo lang, masyado kasi akong madaldal! Hahaha..

Happy Holidays guys.
Thank you for your support this year.

More to come in 2021!


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