NO to an Academic Freeze

NO TO ACADEMIC FREEZE! That is my opinion on the matter. Why? Simply because LEARNING HAS TO GO ON despite the pandemic. There is one simple solution to those asking for an academic freeze, and that is not to enroll your children this school year. It’s as simple as that.

The government and private school are NOT forcing any parent to enroll their children, it’s by CHOICE that you enroll your kids. I don’t see the point why one has to demand an academic freeze just because they’re having a hard time adjusting. WE ARE ALL ADJUSTING TO THE SITUATION. I know it’s tough, but we can’t just simply give up and stop learning, right?

If you personally feel that it will be struggle for you and your children this year, there are options. I personally think that EGO is a huge factor in this issue. There are many who are NOT willing to take a stand on their beliefs thus, they are looking for ‘karamay’ to be with. It’s bull really. I mean maybe these people are afraid of being judged by others. But what the hell?! Why will you bother yourself with the judgey eyes of others, are they that important to your well being?

I feel it’s really selfish to ask for an academic freeze, but I guess there are so selfish people in the world, right? But I hope they take into consideration what others are doing. When this lockdown happened, I initially thought that the government MIGHT suggest an academic freeze. But that means that ALL teachers will be unemployed, every single one of them and that’s quite selfish when I thought about it more.

I personally feel that our teachers are the most under appreciated beings in the world. They do so much for us yet, they are not appreciated enough. In fact, there are quite a LOT that would even pick fights with the teachers just to get the result that they want and I find it really unfair.

So, my stand on the matter is NO TO AN ACADEMIC FREEZE!


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