My usual go to for Birthday Misua has been Classic Chef. I have ordered from them for the past 10 years and I highly recommend them whenever I get asked. But last week, when I picked up my order – I was very surprised with the serving. It was a lot less than their usual serving. And then when I got home, the order was missing the pink quail eggs. I was sorely disappointed. You see, I always send three containers – one corningware chafing dish, and two smaller pyrex containers – these smaller two would be distributed. So when I went home, I still had to repack it so I can send it out. It was frustrating really, I even called Classic Chef to inform them, but all I got were uneasy laughs.

The day before, I received a text message from Auntie Mia. She said that the birthday misua I ordered (which I didn’t plan for Panget’s birthday) can be made the next day, she also asked if it was okay for 8:30am. I said okay without thinking if I really needed the misua. I just really wanted to try her birthday misua out. How coincidental that what I had ordered (not for the birthday) came at the right perfect time?! It was meant to be.
When her misua arrived, I honestly expecting a small container. I ordered the smallest kasi – the size that was good for 3-4 people. I usually don’t have high expectations on the servings, I have long learned to manage my expectations when it comes to these things. But when I saw the container, I was delightfully surprised. It was more than what I was expecting. It was in a rectangular microwavable container that has 1600 underneath it. And when I opened it, THIS was what I saw.. What GENEROUS TOPPINGS she has!

Auntie Mia’s misua is super duper good. It’s almost exactly like the way my mom and ama used to make. The taste is really clean, the flavors were on point with every bite. The misua wasn’t mushy nor crumbly. The slices of toppings were so nice too (I know because I remember my mom making kwento how you need to slice it as perfectly as possible) As you can see with the image above, Auntie Mia doesn’t scrimp on toppings too – this was a very loaded birthday misua. It had fine slices of pusit, and meat innards (don’t ask me na which innards, kasi I usually take them out kasi malansa, but this – kinain ko na lahat as in LAHAT – my mom would be very proud of me!) I also really enjoyed the whole shrimp pieces. I swear, this will bring you back to your childhood – this is what authentic Fil-Chi birthday misua is. What you get in the restaurants are just ‘short cut versions’ THIS IS THE REAL DEAL. This is the kind of misua that I grew up eating.
I shared some to my mom and she said it was good. I kept on eating and eating and eating, I had to save some for Panget, but it was that good that I kept on getting more to eat. Hahaha!! This is the traditional birthday misua that I remember my mom making. I know for a fact that it’s a very tedious process – and that it why I haven’t tried making it. I don’t think I’ll have the courage to make one. Hahaha..
So if you’re looking for Birthday Misua, I highly suggest you try and order from Auntie Mia. She has different sizes to choose from. She’s quite easy to message with, super pleasant pa.
THANK YOU AUNTIE MIA! For sharing your misua with us. We are blessed and grateful that you are sharing wonderful meals to us!
You can directly send a message to Auntie Mia at 0917-8034515
Auntie Mia has an Instagram account, Mia’s Kitchen PH