How are you doing this ECQ?

I thought to ask – how are you guys doing this lockdown?

When the lockdown started, I was anxious and uncertain. I couldn’t get a grasp of what was happening. I’m sure everyone was on high alert because I certainly was. Then as the days progressed, I learned that an uncle of mine passed away due to COVID-19. It was sudden and heartbreaking. It was only then that I realized, how real it was. How heartbreaking it was for my uncle’s family. It happened so fast they said.

Honestly, I can’t believe that we’ve stayed home for the most part of the lockdown. It will be two months in the next few days. I was hoping that by the end of the week, the lockdown will be lifted. But who am I kidding? The government has not done mass testing, the data given by DOH (I believe) is skewed and manipulated. We are all sitting ducks waiting to be shot down by the virus.

There are so many rapid test kits that are being sold online. Some say they’re fake, while most say it’s unreliable. Some have bought and used on themselves for peace of mind. How do you feel about it?

So, let me ask you again – how have you been?
What are your thoughts on what is happening in the country?
Are you confident that we can transition already?
What are your thoughts?


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