A week into the lockdown, there was a bread making movement seen on my social media feeds. It wasn’t because it was a fad, it was mainly because bread was scarce at that time. I have dreamed of making bread, but am deathly afraid of using yeast. I’ve never tried using yeast ever, even if I have a pack of it in my pantry. I never had the courage nor the time to do it. I was told by a friend that – because of the lockdown, there’s no better time to try making bread.

So finally took the plunge. I tried making focaccia. I googled recipes and found this – easy focaccia recipe. I thought to myself, it’s a fairly easy recipe – why not try it. And I did. And it was a major fail – the dough did not rise at all. And when I baked it – well, the result was a very tough tough bread! How tough? Think of a bread you left in the ref for about 5 days without any cover. It was really tough but the flavor was there. I was disheartened of course.
Then an Instagram friend – Erica, sent me a message with a recipe. She told me to try it. She was really kind to share her recipe with me. As you know, some people don’t like sharing their recipes (aminin!) but it was wonderful that she shared it. She was also very patient when I asked for tips and help. I am very lucky to have an IG friend like her.
I followed her recipe to a T and my gosh, I was so kilig and happy to see the dough rise! I was gentle with the dough as she reminded me this every time. And when I baked it, it was such a success! It was such a success that I tried it four more times. And this below, is my Focaccia #5

I was so happy with the result and I think my Panget was too because he finished half of this focaccia! I used fresh frozen rosemary, local tomatoes, olives and garlic! The aroma while it was cooking was so divine! Baking bread surely bring out a wonderful homey scent.

I have asked Erica if I can share the recipe, and she said yes! Sharing is caring. So if you want the recipe, please send me a message. I would love to share it with you!!