UBER: Unlocking Cities Together

I have been an Uber user since 2014.  Has it just been 3 years?  Well, I felt it was longer to be honest – why?  Because I don’t usually commute here in the country.  I drive a car and I like driving – even if its traffic. I took my first ride last 2014.  I even documented it on this post – My first Uber ride.  I racked up credits from that first Uber ride and when it ran out, I still preferred and used Uber ALL THE TIME.  I need to emphasize that I am an Uber user.  I love Uber.  I love how convenient it is.  I don’t need to drive, I don’t need to worry about having an empty gas tank while stuck in traffic.  I don’t need to stress myself thinking of where to park and a whole lot more.  It’s so convenient really. At first, I thought – what was Uber’s end game?  I really didn’t understand the concept to be honest – it was for me just an app I could use to transport me to places.  At first, it didn’t dawn on me the conveniences that I had been experiencing.  I took the convenience for granted.  When Uber was suspended months ago – it was only then that I appreciated what Uber really was to me. Last year when we came back from a trip, we were not picked up by the driver because of miscommunication on the time.  We were worried because we had luggages, big luggages, we had two kids in tow – and my Panget initially thought to just hire a taxi right there and then.  I told him no – I told him, I’d try and book an Uber.  We were very lucky because I was able to book us an Uber Black – successfully.  And you know what else?  Well, I left my phone on that Uber ride.  And guess what – I got my phone back the next day.  And I posted this on my blog too – The goodness of an Uber Driver because I was so proud and happy.  THIS IS WHY I UBER. Uber has been my partner in transport since 2014 and I am with them ALL THE WAY.  I will support them and help them in anyway I can because I believe in their vision.

Here is an video made by Uber.  Watch it and realize that – hey, this happens in real life – especially here in the Philippines!  The video makes perfect sense.  It’s funny but it’s reality.


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