There is only one person is this world that I know who likes the greasy & slippery feel of lotion on their skin – my Aunt Betty. She would lather lotion on her arms, legs and soles of the feet and basque in the greasy feeling. Well, she has dry skin and so I guess for her it feels luxurious to feel that (as opposed to dry itchy skin)
I on the other hand, share the sentiment of most people – I dislike the greasy feel. So when I look for a lotion – I try it on first and when it passes my standards of the non-greasy feel. Well – I hoard. Hahaha!! 🙂
Vaseline is a brand that I TRUST. It is the ONLY petroleum jelly brand that I buy and use. So when I learned that there was a lotion line from Vaseline, I was elated and excited.
When I received this package, I immediately grabbed (after taking this image) and tried the Vaseline Intensive Care Deep Restore lotion. I was that excited!!
I tested it first on my hands. It didn’t have the heavy greasy feel (when you touch your arm) but you know that there’s lotion on your hands. You know what I mean? It was great! So that night, after my bath – I excitedly put Vaseline lotion on my arms and legs.
I must say the results were immediate that my Panget noticed something different. Usually after an hour of my bath, I would be scratching my arms and legs. Nope, it’s not out of habit – but because of my very dry skin on those areas. It was strange that my Panget kept looking at my direction every so often. I had to ask him why and he said *You’re not scratching, it’s strange!*
I feel that the Vaseline Petroleum Jelly lotion has somehow breathed new life to my skin. And it’s liberating not be scratching every so often! I stand by the hashtag #HealWithVaseline as it really did! I even brought 1 bottle to the office to use! Considering that I dislike lotions (friend and family swear by my dislike!) It’s THAT effective on my skin and I’m sooooo loving it!
Vaseline did a test on leaves – look at what Petroleum Jelly does to leaves. What more can it do for our skin!
I swear by Vaseline Petroleum Jelly. My kids swear by it too! And when you have a lotion combined with Vaseline Petroleum Jelly , well that’s just down right – FANTASTIC. I’m so happy that the product is available in the market. I hope you get to try and see the benefits of the Vaseline Petroleum Jelly lotion.
Vaseline Intensive Care
Petroleoum Jelly Lotion
100ml is P69.30
200ml is P126.00
400ml is P225.00