Frustrated with BayanDSL & Globe Telecom Customer Service

I am FED UP and I am POWERLESS to do anything but just follow-up every weekday for any update on my concern. Here’s what happened. Last March 23 while we were out of the country, we noticed that our CCTV app wouldn’t load.  We wondered why but then thought, maybe there was an interruption on the signal.  The next day, it still wasn’t up.  The next days were the same. So when we finally came home, I looked at the modem and it didn’t have power.  I got another adaptor to plug into the modem to check – and it still wasn’t turning on.  I assumed that the modem was busted.  I tried to plug it back in it’s original adaptor but still – no power.  Since I was dead tired from the trip, I waited the next day to report to Bayantel. I officially made the report last March 27, 2016.  The hotline I called was 412-1212 and I was told that I’d get feedback and or the modem will be replaced within 24 to 48 hours. 24 hours passed and no news.  I called 412-1212 and I heard a new message that starting April 1, 2016 – calls will be forwarded to Globe.  I didn’t make sense to me, and since the 48 hour window hasn’t lapsed, I didn’t mind it. So finally when the 48 hour window lapsed, I called again to report.  They told me to *wait* again since they were a bit busy.  I’m sure the technical services are sub-cons, (there might be multiple sub-cons).  I called everyday since then – to follow up.  I called 412-1212 and then on April 1 when I tried to dial 412-1212 nothing was happening.  So I called 730-1000.  I got to speak to an agent who was very helpful.  She told me that she made  was a schedule of April 2 from 1-5PM. No one came on April 2.  I then thought to myself, maybe they’ll come on April 3.  But, no one came.  So the Monday after – April 4, I called the Globe Hotline to report.  They just told me that they will escalate the concern.  I still called to follow up on april 5, 6 and 7.  And on April 8, Friday – I was given feedback that there was a schedule on Sunday – April 10 at 1-5PM.  I was instructed to make sure to be at the site or leave word that there will be a modem replacement. We all waited.  No one came.  So I called last Monday – April 11.  The only thing the agent said was *I will escalate the concern kung bakit di po kayo napuntahan last April 10*.  I called yesterday and was given the same statement. As of yesterday – I have been given eight (8) reference numbers.  I honestly don’t know which of them to give anymore.  My complaint has NOT been resolved so I’m wondering – with all these open cases (with reference numbers to boot)  how can they keep giving me new ones?  I don’t see the logic why. So in conclusion – since reporting on March 27.  We have heard nothing from Bayantel or Globe Telecom.  They both have my contact numbers and I have been repeatedly told to *Keep Your Line OPEN* for updates.  And I have received NONE.  I have been very patient calling in EVERY (week) DAY to follow-up and all I get are *I will escalate this to the technical team*. I took to Twitter, hoping to be assisted but this was the message I got from them:

Frustration.  Utter frustration. I don’t get why the cases have been closed if they’re not yet resolved.  STUPID. No internet since March 23 – that’s a total of 22 days as of present. No feedback since reporting on March 27 – that’s a total of 17 days as of present. Do I need to wait a month or year to be served?? To make me feel better one of the agents told me that I can request for an adjustment when the is resolved.  Darling, the adjustment should be AUTOMATIC, I don’t even need to request for it as I have been patiently reporting every single day.  It didn’t make me feel better, instead I got more upset and angry because I feel that it will still be a long loooong time before my cases gets closed. Sigh.


  1. Unknown

    Grabe friday morning nawalan kami ng internet hanggang ngayon monday ng umaga wala pa din arawa araw kami nagpa follow puro escalate, system shutdown at system issue? E nung friday ng 1pm mga kapitbahay namin na may bayantel din dito lahat sila may internet na kami WALA PA DIN???? Grabe!??!! Sasabihin sayo ng mga agent at supervisor nila na may restoration naman ngayon at ginagawa na. E bakit kami lang sa lugar namin ang walang internet kung my restoration ang bayenglobe? At nakausap namin isang technician ng bayanglobdm na tapos na restoration sa box? Nakakabwisit na tong mga agent na to…last time inabot kami ng more than 2weeks walan internet puro system issue, escalate, at system upgrade at restoration din ang sinasabi nila. Nung nagalit na kami nagpadalada ng technicians at alam nyo ba ang naging problema kung bakit? NAPUTOL ANG KAWAD NG LINYA NAMIN SA LABAS NG BAHAY…MY GOD WTF… Yun ang problema sa mga agents mga sinungaling mga bwisit. At more than a week ulit nangyare the same reasons nanaman binibigay nila samen..ang naging problema naman ay ANG MODEM NILA SIRA…WTF ULIT. DIBA? mga agent ng bayanglobe just to make it short or makes you shut up magsisinungaling lang sila. Hindi man lang marunong mag update ng feedback at ilang beses na namin binigay ang cp no. Namin sakanila paulit ulit pa din nila tinatanong. P.I. NONSENSE MGA MGA CALL CENTER AGENTS NYO WAG NYO KAMING GAWING BOBO KATULAD NYO.

  2. Unknown

    Since Globe acquired Bayantel, the quality of service declined.I feel your frustration. Their customer service is really stupid.

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