EATs London: Ben’s Cookies

I almost forgot about Ben’s Cookies! My friend Tin told me to try them when I happen to see one.  I thought, ano kaya yon?  And while walking along Oxford Street after shopping in Primark, I suddenly saw Ben’s Cookies!  I literally ran to the store which was across the street!  My Panget was confused, I think because I suddenly disappeared.  When I re-appeared, he looked surprised!  I’m sure he didn’t know what happened.  But seeing that I was munching on a cookie – he knew why.  Katakawan.   Hahaha!!

It was just a small store but the store smelled so delish!  They were baking fresh cookies.  I already forgot what flavor I picked but man was it good.  They hand you the cookie in a paper bag, it’s still warm – you need to consume it immediately.  Well, that was what I was told by the staff.  And I did. It was love at first bite. The cookie was cooked through and it was chewy.  It was warm and it was very good.  I closed my eyes after taking the first bite.  My gosh – it was soooo good!!

I liked it more because they didn’t scrimp on the chocolate.  Look at the image above.  I was surprised to see a large piece!  Hahaha.. 🙂 I regret not buying more (I bought 2!).  But to tell you the truth, I made sure not to finish this cookie.  I remember putting it in the ref and leaving it there.  The next day, I went to the ref and it was GONE!  The culprits are – my in laws (my mother in law, father in law, brother in law and sister in law – and of course my Panget)  Hahaha!! So if you happen to be in London – scout for the nearest Ben’s Cookies! I swear, it’s totally worth the calories!!! Ben’s Cookies


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