Birthday Cakes, Birthday Cakes!

Nope, they’re not necessarily birthday cakes (only one was) but I got them all on my birthday! I celebrated my birthday yesterday – I won’t be shy to say it – I turned 35 yesterday.  I’m sure you will all relate, but I don’t feel any older than 30.  Well, except of course of certain body aches and pains, being (very) impatient, fearful of certain things, discovery of white strands of hair (quite a LOT of them), and having a hard time losing weight – yes, the battle with the (mega) bulge.  I still feel I’m the same person – only more responsible (I’m sure my mom will give me a high brow!) more mature and with a better (somehow) understanding of life. So there – it was my birthday yesterday!  Yey! A few days ago, I received a delicious chocolate cake from Starbucks.

Then yesterday – I got not one, not two BUT three cakes from Anita Li of the Baked by Anita fame.

We had a staycation at F1 Hotel last weekend and Pau gifted us with another cake!

There was a year that I didn’t receive any cake from my Panget and I was so sad!  This year made up for the sadness because I got these cakes by chance.  They were not planned (except for the Starbucks) so the surprise was really delightful. I am smiling ear to ear. Thank you Starbucks Philippines, Anita Li and F1 Hotel Manila.  You guys made my birthday extra special.  The cakes mean so much, I will never forget this – EVER!! Happy Birthday to me!! Hihi.. 🙂 (It truly was a VERY HAPPY birthday)


  1. Green Lunch Diaries

    Happy happy birthday Didi!! Those Anitali cakes look so good!

  2. Didi

    Thanks Achi Pam! 🙂 They look good and tasted even better!! 🙂
    If you have time, please come over – I'd like to share all the cakes!! Nalulunod kami sa cakes!

    Love, Didi

  3. Sugar and Spice

    How wonderful! I hope next birthday you get double the cake & double the happiness Didi. Love you mwah! :-*

  4. michymichymoo

    Hope you had a great time, Didi! Belated happy birthday! Kita-kits soon! 🙂

  5. L

    Happyyyy Birthday!!!! I love the cakes!!! So young and already a fulfilling life!

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