Maifest at Brotzeit German Pub!

Brotzeit has been around for a while now.  I remember seeing it before the East Wing of
Shangri-La Mall opened.  I’ve seen so
many posts about the restaurant, most especially the pork knuckles but I’ve never
gotten myself to try it.  When I think of
a German restaurant, I immediately think – sausages, beer, lots of fries, meats
A few weeks ago, I was invited by Rosie to Brotzeit to
witness the Maifest celebration.  What
welcomed me was a joyous and festive celebration.  You can feel it in the atmosphere – the crowd
was really engaging and participative. 
The restaurant was filled with cheers and excitement.  It was such a fun thing to witness and
coupled with good company – it was a perfect first time experience. 
I was seated with Rosie, Franz who is from Tattler online,
Gerry of Dude for Food and Karla of the Philippine Star.  I think compared to these tablemates, I was
the least game – unfortunately, I couldn’t join in the beer drinking because I
am still nursing (pumping milk actually for) my son.  So I just sat back and watched them.  It was fun to see Gerry, Carla and Franz finish
glass after glass of German beer – I would have been more fun if Gerry and
Carla had joined the drinking game!
Maifest is a celebration hosted by the European Union.  They organized a culinary rounding up of
country based cuisines in different cuisine specialized restaurants.  We sampled dishes that were just made specially for Maifest – and these are available for a limited time – until June 30, 2014!!
And here’s a preview of their food offering:
This is the massive Maifest Platter that can share 6!
Prepare your appetite to feast on this delicious platter, I promise you – you won’t be disappointed!
 These chicken kababs are really really good!

This porkchop was so wonderfully made!  It was so very tasty and tender!
I wish I had one whole piece!  Hahaha..

Of course, when I think of Germany – Sausages come to mind!  
And these babies did not disappoint!! 
 And who doesn’t love cheese??  Brie!!!

This is the dessert platter.
And the homemade ice cream stole my heart!
Did you see the Vanilla and Nutella crepe?  Yummmmmmmm….
It was first time too to sample an Apple Strudel (When I hear strudel – The Sound of Music comes to mind instantly!!)  The chocolate cake was heavenly too!  What I did was put some ice cream on top of the chocolate cake!  Yes, I like my desserts that way!  Hahaha…

If you want to experience what it’s like to be in an actual German pub, please do visit Brotzeit!  Their staff was trained by the Goethe Institut.  I am in awe that the staff – as well as the patrons were all so game for this event!  Its really a different experience here in Brotzeit!  I’d love to comeback for the food and the engaging crowd!  I’m very happy to see a restaurant that engages its patrons – it gives a very personal touch to make sure that your patrons are enjoying their time at Brotzeit.
Thank you Rosie for inviting me!  It was so very nice to finally met you, after
all these years!  I will forever remember
you whenever I’d see an Ikea can opener! 
Hahaha..  Thank you Rosie, Chef Ivan and
Malvin for hosting us!  I had a wonderful
time – the food was good and the company was even lovelier!
Brotzeit German Pub  (Please LIKE their Facebook Page)
Streetscape, Shangri-La Mall

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