Say YES to Starbucks’ Caramel Ribbon Crunch & Banana Mango Frappuccino!!

Its officially summer!  And in the sweltering heat – a refreshing drink always cools us down.  The folks at Starbucks have two new drinks in store for us – the Caramel Ribbon Crunch and the Banana Mango Frappuccino!  I am so very excited to share that starting April 22 – we will be treated to a taste the Caramel Ribbon Crunch and the Banana Mango Frappuccino!

As a treat to us, they’re having a promo called Star Dash

Wait, there’s more!

What a great treat for the summer!!!

To those Starbucks Card collectors, here are two new designs to collect!

The Birthday Card!
What a perfect birthday gift! 

The Summer Card
Another wonderful design to commemorate the season!

So head on to Starbucks on the 22nd!  See you there!!


  1. frannywanny

    i want more info about the caramel ribbon crunch 🙂 what goes into it?

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