Project Pie

I love Pizza.  Any kind of pizza.  I would eat pizza everyday if I could!  Yes, that’s how much I love pizza.  I can live with eating pizza alone and probably french fries.

For the past months, I have been seeing feeds of Project Pie.  The concept is so different and new thus people have been flocking to Mandaluyong just to try it.  It was only last Sunday that I was able to try it.

So, on a Sunday night – what welcomed us was chaos.  The place was jam packed!  People walking and standing around everywhere.  Madness.  And I am not one who likes too much of a chaos (semi – is okay). 

First things first – I had to find a table, a table good enough for 6 adults and 4 kids.  Man, it was tough.  As in our Pinoy culture, we like to linger in a restaurant after we’ve eaten.  But for a place like Project pie, well – lingering should be controlled.  It should have a slogan that says eat and go or something to the lines of that but nice, but I guess that won’t work here in the country (as we love to linger!)  I had to stand beside and watch like a hawk this table that could fit us all.  And yes, I was eyeing this guy who was in my opinion trying to steal our table away.  Good thing was that the staff of Project Pie sensed this and told him that I was going to get the table when the current ones using it leaves. 1 point – Project Pie!

When we finally got our table (thanks to the much lingering of patrons, who were taking selfies BTW) I stood in line for like forever.  Why?  Well, because since the slogan says Design, Build, Eat.  And that was what exactly happened.  You are to design your own pizza, build it as you like and chomp chomp away.  The line took long because of course considering we had 10 mouths to feed, it was a simple math of ordering at least 7 pizzas – and that’s with the thought of trying to build you own 7 pizzas!  Madness! Hahaha..  I found that it might take long, and hungry patrons standing in line behind us might kick our ass (as I would if the patrons ahead of me would take their sweet time) and so I thought, I’d just order 2 pizzas with ready made designs and 2 that is build your own.  So there, in a span of 10 minutes we were done.  The pre-designed/template pizzas were easy, but the build your own, well it took a bit more time.  I wish there was a sign that says Step 1: Choose your Sauce (red or olive oil)  Step 2:  Choose your cheeses, Step 3:  Choose your meats Step 4:  Choose your veggies.  Because for a first timer like me, I was looking at the Project Pie flyer and the cheeses were way at the end of the list of ingredients.  So instead of telling them what the cheese, I first told them the meats.  It was very confusing to be honest.  My brother in law suggested that there be a flyer with a box to be ticked for faster transactions, oh well.  I found it funny that the pizza’s topping were all supposed to be written on the ‘paper’ to label the pizzas, maybe because in the end if a customer claimed this and that on their pizzas – if its written, then no more contesting!

The staff were very nice to inform you what toppings goes with what.  Like for my Panget’s build your own – the staff said that it might be too salty and too flavorful, and the staff also raised his eyebrows on the anchovies WITH jalapenos.  Since it was my Panget who picked the toppings, I didn’t care.  Hahaha!  We just had to wait for our pizzas to be called, which was roughly around 2 to 3 minutes.  And they came all together at the same time.

I must say, I enjoyed my pizzas very much.  They came out really good.  My Panget who’s pizza I was scared to try (because of the jalapenos) – well, he loved every bit of it and I think wanted more because he had some more slices of mine!  I built an all meat pizza, and I loved it!  But since I had to share a slice or two to my Panget, well – I wasn’t satisfied and was still craving.  Thank goodness for my presence of mind of ordering more!  Hahaha..  I enjoyed the whole experience.  The chaos and madness together with the good pizza, it was a wonderful combination. Its a good kind of different.  But I think that at P285.00 per pizza, it was a bit on the expensive side since one pizza won’t be enough for me!  But I guess their selling point is that their pizzas are build your own/artisinal plus the ingredients are waaay better that your local pizza parlors.  And that’s good enough for me to come back!

In the end, I enjoyed my Project Pie experience.  I enjoyed the chaos, the madness and the food!  The staff were really nice too.  I have to say they were all VERY helpful and cheery!  I like that they’re friendly too and they know what they are doing.  They were trained very well.  I guess it shows that they’re happy with doing their jobs – and it makes a big big difference!

Another positive note:  My sister in law placed one order of the banana nutella, and she got two of them.  When she offered to pay for the other one, the staff declined and said that since it was their mistake – we can have it for free and they said ‘More pizza to enjoy for everyone!’  I like that kind of atmosphere, they know how to handle customer service.  10 points – Project Pie! 🙂

I’m so looking forward to visiting again!  Hope to see you soon Project Pie! 🙂

Project Pie
515 Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong
(across S&R Membership Shopping)


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