Homemade Treasures Ensaymada

I think I’m a late bloomer, because I just recently discovered Homemade Treasure’s Ensaymada.  I was very lucky that when I ordered – their pick-up point was just near me!  I was secretly thinking that i was meant to be!

My driver was a bit late picking up, but he made it on time!  Look at the nice box, what I liked the most was the tissue paper with plastic wrapping!  It was so delicately made! 

I was so excited to try it and when I did – it was love at first taste!

The ensaymada was heavenly!  It was really soft and the taste was absolutely perfect!  I must admit, I loooooove the fact that it was sooo much butter!  Hahahaha!! 🙂 

Since I am pregnant, I think being able to consume two pieces in one sitting is excused!  It was really sinful, but I didn’t care! 

Move over my favorite ensaymadas (Hizon’s and Diamond Hotel’s) – I have found a new favorite!  Hehehehe…

Homemade Treasures


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