Dancing with the Stars

When I was little, my mom told me that I used to sing and dance in pre-school. I believed her because she has pictures to prove that I did! And so as I grew up, I thought that I had a singing voice, unfortunately – I didn’t practice it.

American Idol was one of my favorite shows, that was when Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell were still in it. When Paula left and was replaced by Ellen, the show was not as good for me anymore. I wasn’t as excited to watch it unlike before.

For quite a while now – years actually, my Panget has been telling me that he’s been intrigued with Dancing with the Stars. To be quite honest, I was laughing inside – I mean, my Panget? Interested to watch Dancing with the Stars? Really now? I’ve been waiting for him to start downloading, but it never happened. So I just dismissed it as some sort of a curiosity that went away from time to time.
But Last week was different, he FINALLY downloaded the season premiere! I was shocked and excited – shocked because he finally did it, excited because I am really a fan of ballroom dancing, I like the steps and the gracefulness of the dances.

So lo and behold, my Panget and I watched the first episode last week, the elimination the day after that and just the other night the second episode and the elimination right after.

I was honestly on a high – because watching the stars dance with professionally partners made me want to get up and dance! But I know that will never happen as my Panget swears that we will NEVER get up and dance. I, on the otherhand will just dream and imagine myself dancing – alone! Hahaha..
The first episode was really good – the stars we ALL impressive. They all danced beautifully – I mean considering they’re not dancers at all and have little experience in dancing!

My Panget and I will for sure follow this series, for the dancing and the stars too! I was quite impressed with Rick Fox, Audrina Patridge, Bristol Palin, and Kurt Warner!

By the way – if you’re a fan of the show, Jennifer Grey’s on the cast too. Did you recognize her? I didn’t! When they showed a photo of her and Patrick Swayze, my gosh – she looked soooooo different! Wow, a lot of plastic surgery huh?


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