WINNER of the Sassa Tank Top!

I’ve received a lot of entries that were incomplete.

But good news is – I did not disqualify any of them.  I figured, why not just include everyone!  I mean for all the effort that was put in to read the entry, ‘like’ Sassa’s FB page, and comment on my blog.  Everyone deserves a chance to win the Sassa tank top!

So here it goes!!

Below are names and email address of everyone who joined.  When you leave a Sassa story, you are entitled to 5 entries, thus the schedule below:

I used to pick out the winner, and the result was:

And the winner is czatantan (at) yahoo (dot) com !! 🙂

CONGRATULATIONS!  You have just won this  Sassa Tank Top!!

To all those who joined – THANK YOU!!

1 Comment

  1. czatantan

    wow thank you… how can i claim this sassa tank top?


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