Glee with GLEE!

I remember watching Sound of Music with my cousins. I remember LOVING everything about it. I remember pretending with my cousins, that we were the Von Trap kids singing away.

Another movie musical favorite is Grease. I think I was secretly pretending to be Sandy – but what was missing was Danny Zuko! Hahaha..

I was delighted with High School Musical – I loved it so much, that I saw it over and over again! I don’t think I’ll ever tire of watching HSM1, ever!

I’m a frustrated singer! And I think that’s one of the reasons why I’m hooked at most movie musicals and American Idol.

Enter – Glee.

I saw the trailer, and got curious.

Why haven’t I heard of this show? How long has it been on? I researched and found out that it just started! Yahoo!! 🙂

I saw the pilot just now and LOOOOOOOOOOVED it!!

I can’t wait for the second episode!!

Also.. I loved that they use songs that I somehow know! Hahahaha!! 🙂

Show is promising!! 🙂

Here’s the full trailer:


  1. notjustminerals

    Oh, I love Glee too! I've seen the 3 episodes they have and can't wait for when they're back from break. Sobrang nabitin ako after ep. 3.

  2. Didi

    Hi Nikki!! I didn't know na 3 epis na!! I thought 1 palang! Waaaah!! Need to catch up!! Hahahaha…..

  3. Didi

    @Lloyda!! How are you?? All set na? 🙂 I loved the show!! Excited ako on the future episodes!

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