Hi, I’m Didi and I’m a Plurk addict..

I started out with Twitter, but my friends convinced me to Plurk!

Life after Plurk has never been the same! I am a freaking ADDICT!!

I find myself logging into Plurk, everyday – every single day!

Grabbed from THIS site..

Making sure I do my quality Plurking everyday – so as not to decrease my karma!! And, I love it! I love updating – via text, web or while mobile!!

I enjoy Plurking so much – I can’t explain why! But I think I Plurk more than I blog, do Facebook or YM! Is Plurk taking over my blogging habit? I hope not!! Hahaha..

Thanks to PHplurk – I can post my updates realtime via text message!

Thanks also to *toot* telecom provider – I can Plurk via HSDA!! Woot! Woot!!

Plurking is taking over my life!!!

P.S. Panget is all confused – what the hell is Plurk and why do I Plurk? Man, its freaking addicting!!! 🙂 Hayluvet!!!!!

Add me up!


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