Win! Win! Win!

Picture grabbed from Walk this Way

I was looking at my blog’s traffic – then I noticed that most of them came from Carlos Celdran’s blog – I first thought it was really odd since I am not part of his directory. Then when I looked at the calendar – I wondered – did I win?!

Yes I did! I effing did!!

My first ever contest this year!!


I’ve never been to Corregidor!


I’m so excited to finally meet Mr. Celdran!!

I’m sure my Panget and I will enjoy this tour with friends…. (which friends?? Hahaha!)


BTW – Can you guess what my reason was?? 🙂 Tsk.. Tsk.. Tsk..


  1. GT Bloggers

    Haha! That’s so cool, Di! Hope you enjoy Corregidor.

    – Minds

  2. Didi

    Minds! Thanks!! I will!! I promise to post about it!! Yey!!


    Congrats! Looking forward to your corregidor blog!

  4. Didi

    Hi Arlene! Thanks for dropping by! I’m looking forward too!! 🙂 Cheers!

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