The search for Cristina Besas

It has been 4 YEARS , since I last saw this friend of mine. We’ve been sending her emails, calling her – but no answer. Then OUT OF THE BLUE: She adds me to her friendster account!! Shirley has been in touch with her just about the same time. Shirley informed her of the planned Christmas dinner tonight 12/22, but the place was not yet decided. Thus – Shirley was supposed to call her to inform her of the venue.

At about 4:55pm, Shirley sent me a text message asking me if I could call up Tintin (her nickname) to inform her of the time and venue of tonight’s dinner. Shirley mentioned that one of Tintin’s officemate has been making her ‘taray’, for what reason? Maybe because of the constant calls of Shirley (in her defense, she’s been leaving messages but there was no reply, call or any feedback at all! So, I was tasked to call Tintin; (to everyone who knows me, I can be a sweetheart and a bitch – if the situation calls for it) and I was since I called thrice to no avail! On my 4th call, I spoke to her officemate – I was throwing a fit because she told me that Tintin had just left!! I had her transfer me to the guard. I spoke to the guard and he told me that Tintin left about 4 minutes ago! I asked him to transfer me to the guard at the MAIN ENTRANCE (baka-sakali ma-abutan ko) thus, he did – and I spoke to the guard at the Lobby, but all my efforts were futile because the lobby guard said that there was no one loitering at the lobby, everybody has left! Being resourceful (ang yabang ko!) I called Tintin’s office again and asked for a number to contact her, ANY number would suffice (since I was told that she didn’t have a mobile phone) Her officemate graciously gave me Tintin’s dorm’s number – which I called and spoke to Nay (short for Nanay) she said that Tintin hasn’t arrived yet, but once she does, she will tell her to call Shirley (I left Shirley’s mobile number with Nay) – but to no avail again, because we didn’t get ANY call, NONE AT ALL.

To Tintin, if in case you browse through this… WE REALLY MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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